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    After-Alcohol Relieving Herbal Tea

    2g x 20teabags x 1box


    The liver plays an important role in many bodily functions from protein production and blood clotting to cholesterol, glucose and iron metabolism.

    A variety of illnesses can affect the liver. Symptoms of liver diseases include weakness and fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and yellow

    discoloration of the skin (jaundice), so keeping a healthy liver is an essential part of maintaining optimum health.

    Combined with special herbal formula & modern scientific theory, After-alcohol Relieving Herbal Tea helps to accelerate the liver cleansing and

    detox activities, revitalize & enhance liver functions against alcohol, tobacco, environmental pollution and even hepatitis B & C. What’s more.

    It is also suitable for the support of gallbladder activity and the protection and renewal of liver parenchyma. The feedback proves it is an economical,

    safe and needle free treatment to prevent any complications and adverse effects