2g x 20teabags x 1box
The nutritional, immunological, emotional and psychological benefits of breastfeeding should be enough to encourage
mothers to want to breastfeed their newborn and for all health care providers strongly encourage breastfeeding.
However, not every new mama has breast milk or enough milk for the newborn and most of them feel depressed about it.
This product is refined and succeed from precious and traditional Chinese medicinal materials like Fenne, Fructus Liquidambaris,etc.,
which are famous for the effect of improving digestion, supporting detoxification and stimulating secretion of breast milk.
It regulates circulatory systems through good therapeutic effect on depressive neurosis, clearing water & dissipating hard lump.
Since ancient times, lactation was traditionally promoted in nursing mothers by giving this herbal formula. These herbs actively
aid secretion of breast milk, and digestive troubles in the nursing baby can also be alleviated via the breast milk.